Ribbon comes to Solana

Ribbon Finance
2 min readFeb 17, 2022


Today, we are super excited to announce that Ribbon is finally launching on Solana, partnering with Zeta Markets — the leading options project on Solana.

To start, we are launching a covered call vault for SOL — a way for users to generate high-yield on their SOL. This is now open to deposits at Ribbon’s’ website.

Becoming Truly Multi-chain

This marks the first time an Ethereum-first project has moved onto Solana, with an app and interface that supports both EVM contracts as well as native Solana programs.

Ribbon users can now switch between EVM and non-EVM networks with ease, through a brand new network switcher interface. Ribbon’s new interface also now supports both EVM-based wallets like Metamask or Wallet Connect, as well as Solana-based wallets like Phantom and Solflare.

SOL Vault

To start, we have set a vault cap of 50k SOL and will be gradually expanding that over time if it gets hit.

Try out the app here today: https://app.ribbon.finance/

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